Turning books into Bread

Parson's Porch & Book Publishing is a book publishing company with a double focus.  We focus on the needs of creative writers who need a professional publisher to turn their words into books, & we also focus on the needs of others by turning their books into bread by sharing our profits with those who are homeless and displaced by meeting their basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and safety.

Give $omething Now

We beg for bread for other beggars

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If you haven't given to Parson's Porch in a while, now is the time. Here are some reasons why:

Tony and his family, Tina and Roy, Jack, Crystal, David B., Jamie and Joe, James, Anne, Mary, Carl and Mimi, Laura,  Martha and Henry,  Ronnie, Rob and Alice, John and Susan,  Tim, Evalyn, Willie and Children, Denise, Jody, Savannah, Smith family,  Jones, John and Donna, Nick and Nicki, and Charles.

Donate Now

The ones listed above represent 94 people including their children and other people in their household. In other words we have to make decisions every month of whose needs are most critical.  

In addition to $2,405 per month for our families, we budget an additional $500 per month for unexpected, one time expenses they may have.

We need $2,904 per month to fully meet the needs of our 27 families.

Your gift of $50 or more support one man, woman, boy or girl with a significant need each month. Will you help us? Please give by clicking on the heart.

This blog is by the Parson of Parson's Porch & Company. Parson's Porch is dedicated to providing creative attention and restorative solutions to people in trouble, especially those who are disenfranchised from church and community because of disease, poverty, violence, and other life circumstances, including bad luck and poor choices. Please contribute by clicking on the heart: 

  • Parson's Porch & Company has over 3,000 fans, followers and friends.
  • Over 200 of you have given $omething to Parson's Porch in the last 8 years.
  • $eptember concludes our 10th year of helping people in trouble.
  • We accept pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars, checks, cash, money orders and credit cards.


A Traditonal Publisher of Quality Books by Creative Authors using a Collaborative Approach.

Parson's Porch & Company |121 Holly Trail, NW | Cleveland, Tennessee 37311 | 423-310-8815 | dtullock@parsonsporch.com