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The Gavel | James C. Dodge

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The Gavel | James C. Dodge


In The Gavel, Jim Dodge leads the reader through this well-told, realistic story to see the beauty, goodness and truth of the Gospel as it impacts just one life, a young man on the margins of society. As the story unfolds he is led by God working through a diverse “posse” of Christian leaders into participation, even immersion, in the life of God. The power of the Gospel, of community, of prayer, of apologetics, and of simple but deep love, all come to play in the conversion of our protagonist. And it is moving and inspirational. 

The founder of the Institute for Worship Studies (IWS), Dr. Robert E. Webber, delivered a lecture in the early days of the school, advocating for “catechesis across the curriculum.” What did he mean, and why is this a fundamental priority for an academic graduate institution that focuses on the biblical, theological, historical, cultural and missiological study of Christian worship? Why would IWS publish a novel about catechesis?

Worship is famously referred to as the “source and summit of the Christian life.” The catechesis of the Church fills in all the rest. Together worship and catechesis work hand-in-hand to lead all who find themselves on a search for meaning in life to the fullness of the true life of God. This book is rooted in that journey. Come along with us to learn, see and experience an example of Ireneaus’ great dictum: “The glory of God is a human being fully alive.”

-From the Foreword

Dr. James R. Hart, President
The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies


James C. Dodge is a retired business executive, sailor and private pilot. He received his doctorate through the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies with concentration on the Catechumenate Ancient and Future. He has served as provost and adjunct instructor at Canby Bible College, and written articles for a variety of sailing and worship-based publications. Jim resides with his wife Judy in the resort community of Eagle Crest, Oregon.



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