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The Book of Revelation | Dwayne Cole

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The Book of Revelation | Dwayne Cole


The purpose of this book on Revelation is to analyze John’s vision of hope with an emphasis on how Jesus’ kindness transforms suffering, and explore how John’s vision of hope encourages the early followers of Jesus to remain faithful and endure their own suffering and martyrdom.

Chapters began with the discovery of powerful metaphorical images that have transformative energy like rainbow, lamb, shepherd, logos, and Sophia imbedded in the Greek text of Revelation that called for interpretation. The most hopeful transformative motif or image discovered is kindness. I first discovered this heartwarming metaphor while sitting at my study desk reading my Greek New Testament devotionally with the early morning sun warming me.

Hopefully both ministers and laity will find help in understanding how God revealed in Jesus is in the world and for the world, in us and for us in transforming kindness to heal our suffering, especially violent suffering; and with our help in the transformative process, breaks the cycle of violence.


Dwayne Cole is a retired pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He earned his degrees, including a Ph.D. in New Testament with a major in Greek, from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Cole lives with his wife, Beth, in Alaska. They have two adult children and two grandchildren.

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