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Nurture Faith | Five Minute Meditations to Strengthen Your Walk with Christ |W. Douglas Hood


Nurture Faith | Five Minute Meditations to Strengthen Your Walk with Christ |W. Douglas Hood

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“… creative, thoughtful, inspirational and uplifting all at the same time.”

(From the Foreword by William J. Carl III, PhD

Senior Pastor, Independent Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama

Former President, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary)


“… these devotionals might just change your life … as they are changing mine!”

(Rev. Dr. Thomas K. Tewell, Former Executive Director, Macedonian Ministry)


“… Gathered here are reflections for the faithful and for those who seek more from their walk with Christ.”

(John Randolph, Attorney, West Palm Beach, Florida)


“… Insightful, articulate and inspirational, Dr. Hood’s pastor’s heart and active personal faith shine through brightly.”

(Daniel W. Klein, Irving, Texas, Retired President,

Texas Presbyterian Foundation, and now a Church Consultant)


W. DOUGLAS HOOD, JR. has been the Senior Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Delray Beach, Florida since 2012. He holds a Master of Divinity from Columbia Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary. He was the 2015 Moderator of the Presbytery of Tropical Florida and was a commissioner to his denomination’s General Assembly in 2014 and 2016.  Hood’s sermons and articles have appeared in Lectionary Homiletics, Preaching Great Texts, Biblical Preaching Journal, and Preaching: Word & Witness. Doug is married to Grace, has two children – Nathanael and Rachael – and resides in Boynton Beach, Florida. For more information, visit

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