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Midweek Meditations | Debra Bronkema

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MWMD - Cover.JPG

Midweek Meditations | Debra Bronkema

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Midweek Meditations: An opportunity to get spiritually filled up on your journey through the week! They include a reading from scripture, a devotion, and a prayer, as well as reflection questions for you to ponder. Each meditation invites you into an encounter with the Word of God, offering both comfort and challenge along the way.


Debra J. K. Bronkema has been Pastor of Pleasantville Presbyterian Church in Pleasantville, New York since Easter Sunday 2007. She also serves as Pastor of a new worshiping community, She earned her Doctorate of Ministry from Columbia Theological Seminary in 2011, with an emphasis in Creative Writing as a Spiritual Practice and leads programs and retreats on this topic throughout the country. Prior to their move to Pleasantville, Debbie and her husband John were CoExecutive Directors of Cedarkirk Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center in Lithia, Florida. Debbie and John have 4 children, Cali, Dylan, Logan and Caleb. In 2018, Debbie published her first novel, Finding Manna, the story of a young woman searching for the life that is hers to live.

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