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A Relational Trinity Of Kindness | Dwayne Cole


A Relational Trinity Of Kindness | Dwayne Cole


We cannot solve old theological problems by continuing to use the same language that created the problems in the first place. Perhaps, the church, like a crustacean, needs to shed its theological skin every few years, so that it may grow a new one. This book using new language for the relational aspects of the trinity is a fresh approach to an ancient doctrine, linking the biblical concept of kindness, a central relational term found throughout the Bible, to a process oriented theology for interpreting how God is present in the world and in us in transforming tender ways.


Dwayne Cole is a retired pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He earned his degrees, including a Ph.D. in New Testament with a major in Greek, from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Cole lives with his wife, Beth, in Alaska. They have two adult children and two grandchildren.

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