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Poet of the Universe | Dwayne Cole

Poet Front Cover.JPG
Poet Front Cover.JPG

Poet of the Universe | Dwayne Cole


Faith Poetry is more about

how to live in this world

than it is about

how to live in an afterlife.

All we have is this moment—

The here and now.

The present gift—

The world is the poem.

Nature poetry is the spiritual expression

of who we are.

Nature sings the song

of our faith, our being—

The language of our soul.


Dwayne Cole and his wife, Beth met while they were both in seminary studying for the Master of Divinity degree. Dwayne has also earned a Master of Theology and a Ph.D. in New Testament with a major in Greek. They have an adult son and daughter and two teenage grandchildren.

They came to Alaska in 2011 to be with family. Their daughter and son-in-law came to start their medical practice and needed help with their two children.

This book is number seventeen since coming to Alaska. Dwayne’s passion is poetry that is inspired by his daily walks in the beauty and wonder of Alaska. Including this one, his last five books are Alaska inspired poetry books—

God and Evil: An Ode to Kindness

Poems Inspired by Process Philosophy

Bears and Moose of Alaska: Nature Poetry


You can reach Dwayne—

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