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Cardinal in the Snow | John A. Kenney


Cardinal in the Snow | John A. Kenney


In this delightfully readable and accessible book, filled with rich metaphor and supported with personal stories from his own life adventures, John Kenney leads the reader through lessons that build upon each other to discover God’s plan for the next phase of the reader’s life. With the inclusion of reflection questions and spiritual exercises, this book is both educational and devotional. I will never look at a bright red cardinal in a winter landscape again without this book coming to my mind. I highly recommend this for both personal reading and group studies.

Dr. Paul J Kirbas


Graduate Theological Foundation


The Cardinal in the Snow is my humble effort to share my long-developing thoughts, sharpened while studying seminary courses and crystalized after that cold early winter morning. Hopefully, as you read and consider and discuss the thoughts, suggestions and questions spaced throughout the book, you will find your answers to the questions:

Where do I go from here?

How do I find the “heaven on earth” that

 God has in store for me?

John A. Kenney lives in Oklahoma City with his wife, Jane. They have two children and six grandchildren. John obtained degrees in engineering and law from the University of Oklahoma. In 2020, he received a Certificate In Ministry from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, where he now serves on the Board of Directors.


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