Parson's Porch & Companies

Turning Books into Bread since 2004

Parson's Porch & Book Publishing is a book publishing company with a double focus.  We focus on the needs of creative writers who need a professional publisher to turn their words into books, & we also focus on the needs of others by turning their books into bread by sharing our profits with those who are homeless and displaced by meeting their basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and safety.

And the Angels Danced | Lance Ness


And the Angels Danced | Lance Ness

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Parson’s Porch Books is delighted to present to you this series called Sermons Matter.

We believe that many of the best writers are pastors who take the role of preacher seriously. Week in, and week out, they exegete scripture, research material, write and deliver sermons in the context of the life of their particular congregation in their given community.

We further believe that sermons are extensions of Holy Scripture which need to be published beyond the manuscripts which are written for delivery each Sunday. Books serve as a vehicle for the sermon to continue to proclaim the Good News of the Morning to a broader audience.

Lance Ness provides us great examples of what diligent study and weekly preparation provide to the crafting of excellent sermons.

We celebrate the wonderful occasion of the preaching event in Christian worship when the Pastor speaks, the People listen and the Work of the Church proceeds.

Take, Read, and Heed.________________

Rev. Lance Ness was born in Del Rio Texas, grew up in Corning New York, and served as a United Methodist pastor for 27 years in Maryland and Michigan.

He gave his life to Jesus at age 18. Within a few months people noticed some significant changes in his behavior and personality. Before long Lance stopped his studies in Data Processing and began an education that would lead him into pastoral ministry.

After 27 years, Rev. Ness took early retirement but frequently fills in pulpits and is currently considering a return to pastoral ministry.

Currently Rev. Ness and his wife Alice reside in eastern Maryland. He spends a great deal of time writing. He has written several screenplays including a Christian movie that several people feel has great potential. He enjoys exercising, watching movies, swimming in the ocean (including polar bear swims) and participating in "little adventures" like sky diving.


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