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Claim the Flame | Larry Moeller

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Claim the Flame | Larry Moeller

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“How can we celebrate the upcoming anniversary milestone of the church and also make it a springboard into the future God intends?”

Therein, the challenge to the planning committee.

And so, ‘mission moments’ opened Sunday worship on alternating Sundays, beginning the Sunday after Easter. Mission moments included remembrances of past, and highlights of present, ministries. 

But how to glimpse the future, and build excitement? Might something be learned by taking a closer look at the experiences of the church’s namesake, the apostle Paul? ‘Fan into flame …’ became the year-long theme, drawn from Paul’s encouragement to Timothy, to fan into flame the gift of God which is in you … for God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, and of love, and of self-discipline. 
(2 Timothy 1:6-7)

‘Nudge’ cards were designed and distributed; prayers were uplifted. All were encouraged to fan into flame the Spirit-gift within them through prayer and personal devotion – and to use the cards to share how the Holy Spirit was nudging them to God’s intended purpose for their lives. Not the church’s purpose, but God’s purpose.

And so evolved a Celebration seven-part sermon series: once-a-month two-character skits featuring the apostle Paul in dialogue with his Biblical contemporaries: Timothy, Peter, Lydia, Luke, the Ethiopian eunuch, and Eunice.

The Celebration series presented fun and fascinating encounters with Paul through the lens of artistic license and a bit of whimsy. Scripture texts for the sermon dramas followed Lectionary Year A for the first Sundays of the seven months May through November.  

Enthusiasm grew as the culminating Celebration worship and banquet approached on the first Sunday of December. The keynote dignitary brought the sermon message – along with greetings and a personal message from Timothy who, regrettably, was unable to attend the celebration in Paul’s stead. 


Larry Moeller enjoys life in Maryville, Tennessee nestled against the Smoky Mountains.

Eighteen years in the corporate world, followed by over twenty years as co-founder and owner of a small business which helps clients succeed has given him a deep appreciation for and love of people.

He is a simple and grateful man.

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