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100 Days with Jesus: A Guide to Transformation by Knowing God and Living in His Presence | Edward N. Gross

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100 Days with Jesus: A Guide to Transformation by Knowing God and Living in His Presence | Edward N. Gross

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Yes, I know it an unusual request. To expect a 100-day commitment in our quick-read, deliver now-or-never age. But I have a good reason for it. The deep and thorough change we need simply cannot be quickly and easily achieved. I wish it could. Both Scripture and church history show that walking with God in power usually takes some time to experience.

I have designed this book to help Christians who are ready to walk with Jesus. And especially for those who have had some basic training in the elements of NT Discipleship. As you start, if you are extremely blessed, you may become a disciple in 100 days. It took the Apostles over 1000 days in the direct, miraculous, personal presence of God, Himself! That is why 100 days might not be nearly enough time. But, with the Holy Spirit’s help, it could be more than enough. And you could even find yourself so blessed that God uses you to start a Disciple Making Movement (DMM), which reaches your entire area for Christ! This has happened before and is happening today.[1] Why not in and through you? God’s great love is for you and your region, too!

            But you will have to have the grace to bid “Easy Christianity” farewell. Forever. What Jesus demanded of others, He demands of you--No turning back. Today’s low-cost, Western options for “following Jesus,” are not working. They can barely save our souls, much less disciple the nations, which is what Christ commanded in His Great Commission, “make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19).

So, if you want a fast-moving and entertaining devotional, this will disappoint you. Not only am I asking for an unusually long commitment of 100 days, I am also using an unusual approach. I am insisting that you will have to become somewhat of a theologian if you try to follow Jesus today. Theological training has never been popular, a thing for “the common Christian.” But this must change if you are to walk in the presence of Jesus.


[1] See Jerry Trousdale’s Miraculous Movements and my The Amazing Love of Paul’s Model Church. Trousdale will introduce you to the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) method of disciple making—a proven, simple, reproducible way to make disciples of “people of peace” with whom God connects you as you are following Jesus daily.

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