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The Beauty of Beholding God | Darien Cooper | Mossy Creek Press | MCP

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The Beauty of Beholding God | Darien Cooper | Mossy Creek Press | MCP

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How very easy and natural it is to become absorbed in the problems that bombard us daily. These difficulties may range from personal turmoils, heartbreaks with our children or marital conflicts to world dilemmas in general. Such distresses are real. They can hurt despicably and require and deserve answers and solutions.

Time, energy, and general wear and tear can be saved if we learn to look straight through our immediate circumstances and behold our God as reigning King, working everything for our good as we learn to respond to Him rather than to situations or people. We can look beyond the immediate to the real reason we are on Planet Earth. We see that our Lord wants to use everything that enters our lives to get us ready to live with Him as His bride forever. Our sorrows and everyday experiences are no longer wasted, but they are used to draw us into a vital love relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in which we receive and display His very life.


Darien B. Cooper is a wife, mother, lecturer and author of several books including the best seller, You Can be the Wife of a Happy Husband, with over a million in print. She graduated from Carson Newman College in Jefferson City, Tennessee with a degree in Sociology and double minor in Psychology and Mathematics. Her practical teaching on the woman’s role in marriage and complete abandonment to Jesus Christ has changed countless lives both in the USA and abroad.

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