Parson's Porch & Companies

Turning Books into Bread since 2004

Parson's Porch & Book Publishing is a book publishing company with a double focus.  We focus on the needs of creative writers who need a professional publisher to turn their words into books, & we also focus on the needs of others by turning their books into bread by sharing our profits with those who are homeless and displaced by meeting their basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and safety.

My Story Remembered


My Story Remembered

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I am writing this short story of myself for two reasons. The first, is that my children and grandchildren might know me better. They may see something of themselves in my story. They may learn from my successes and my failures. I write it for them because I love each one.

I am also writing this for me. I hope to see where I have come from and where I have gone. I hope to understand better who I am. But mostly I want to see where God has been at work in my life—whether I mention Him or not.

The title is very intentional. It is not simply “my story”, but my story as I remember it. The two cannot be exactly the same. Our memories are faulty. They color events with shades that can confuse the details. I do have journals to fall back on beginning in 1977 when I was 29 years old. But those journals only record part of my story—the part, perhaps, I wanted to remember.

So, read this book with the understanding that it may not be all perfectly factual or true, but it is my story remembered.

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