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Jewells from my Journey | Lynn Cassels Milner

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Jewells from my Journey | Lynn Cassels Milner

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“Lynn Milner’s writing is food for the heart. By reflecting on scripture and testifying of her experiences, Lynn encourages believers to accept the realities of life and obediently follow God’s leadership. Lynn’s fresh, authentic words give readers a chance to discover grace in the daily grind. This book will challenge and strengthen the Christian journey.”
Dr. William (Bill) Shiell
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church
Tallahassee, Florida

About the Author

Lynn Cassels Milner has been married to Mark David Milner since March of 1991. She understands the blessings and the trials of marrying into an instant family. Lynn has walked through the valley of suicidal depression and has also experienced the emotional journey of infertility. She has learned that there is no other answer to life’s challenges than Christ alone.

Since 1999, Lynn has had the privilege of teaching Sunday School, facilitating Bible Studies, developing and participating in Prayer Ministry and serving on her church’s Women’s Ministry team. Lynn and Mark also enjoy using their gifts of singing through the music ministry of their church. 

A few years ago, Lynn felt the call on her life to develop a speaking and writing ministry to encourage believers in Christ to come to the place of absolute surrender to Him. Lynn takes a life application approach to God’s Word, lacing God’s truth with humor, and sometimes tears, into everyday life. To learn more about Surrendered and Free Ministry, please visit:

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