Parson's Porch & Companies

Turning Books into Bread since 2004

Parson's Porch & Book Publishing is a book publishing company with a double focus.  We focus on the needs of creative writers who need a professional publisher to turn their words into books, & we also focus on the needs of others by turning their books into bread by sharing our profits with those who are homeless and displaced by meeting their basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and safety.

Gracie's Story | Julie Schommer


Gracie's Story | Julie Schommer


I want to share an amazing story, a story about God’s amazing Grace. God has given me a new life. He did so because he died on the cross for me and for you. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior at the age of 19 years old. I was at home and it was late at night. God hears our prayers at any time and any day! We can call on him any time! So my Christian life began.

The real story here begins many years later, when after several wonderful and healthy children, I became pregnant with a baby girl. I knew right away I wanted her name to be Gracie. Now during this pregnancy, I felt strongly that God was giving this child to us for a reason, though I knew not why. But I later realized why. It was to prove God had a plan and to prove he’s still in the miracle business. 

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