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Daring to Speak for God | J Norfleete Day

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Daring to Speak for God | J Norfleete Day

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My calling from God, as I understood it, was not to preach, but to teach. Some would say there isn’t much difference, and in my case, that is likely true. Those who analyze sermons would probably describe my sermons as teaching messages, but I think that is acceptable. I have come to believe that whether a person’s Christian vocation is to preach or to teach, both activities, at their root, are calls to make known the message of God as revealed in Scripture. While I have never sought the opportunity to proclaim the Word of God in sermonic form, some occasions have sought me, and the sermons included here are the result.


Norfleete Day is Associate Professor Emerita from Samford University. Dr. Day served on the faculty of Beeson Divinity School where she taught biblical languages, New Testament, and Spiritual Formation. She has a Ph.D. in religion from Baylor University, a M.L.S. from The University of Alabama, and a B.A. in English from Samford University. She has written journal articles, chapters for books, and The Woman at the Well: Interpretation of John 4:1-42 in Retrospect and Prospect, published by E.J. Brill. Prior to her academic career, she served as an officer in the United States Navy and as Associate Director of Birmingham Public Library. She is also a retreat speaker, Bible teacher, and writer.

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