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A Year in the Valley of Grief | John Pavlovitz

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A Year in the Valley of Grief | John Pavlovitz


The Grief Valley
Even though my path takes me through the Grief Valley, I will walk without fear. Psalm 23 Paraphrase

Grief is a solitary road.

Even if we are fortunate enough to have people alongside us during the journey, (as I have been), no one can really travel all the way with us. Our pain and our path are as individual as the relationship we share with the person we’ve lost.
When my father died suddenly back in September of 2013, I began doing what I always do: I started writing. I did it to somehow make sense of my own grief, and to keep moving through the place I now call The Grief Valley.

John Pavlovitz is a father of two, (Noah and Selah), and husband of one (Jennifer); a 17-year ministry veteran, specializing in rabble-rousing, engineering mayhem, and generally trying to live-out the red letters of Jesus.

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